Written by Erick Janisse, CO, CPed
Dr. Comfort® Education Department

New Year's Resolutions

Surely, you’ve made some New Year’s resolutions in the past.  There’s also a good chance they didn’t work. Right?  As someone living with diabetes, of course you know that eating healthily, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising are all good things for you - no one needs to tell you that (again).  So why is it so hard to stick with New Year’s resolutions to do those things?

According to a recent article from Psychology Today, recognizing that there is something about you that you’d like (or need) to change is only part of the process. It's not enough just to acknowledge this. You actually have to decide that the pros of changing your lifestyle outweigh the cons of continuing on as you have been.

This same article describes five basic stages that one must go through to effect lasting change.  They are:

  1. Precontemplation: You don’t necessarily think there is a problem, but those close to may be concerned.
  2. Contemplation: You ponder and weigh the pros and cons of a proposed change.
  3. Preparation: You engage and take the necessary steps to get ready to enact the change.
  4. Action: You change your behavior.
  5. Maintenance: You work out ways to stick to your change long-term.

One of the main reasons so-called “New Year’s” resolutions fail is that there is pressure to begin on a specific date on the calendar and not necessarily when the “resolver” is ready to begin the process in earnest. What are the chances you’ll really be truly prepared for Step 4 exactly on January first? There's a fairly good chance that many people who swore a New Year's resolution did it because they felt pressure to do so, not because they were actually ready.  And that is a big reason why they failed.

So, rather than committing to declare your New Year’s resolution precisely on January first, make the resolution when you are prepared to begin.  Maybe it’s a few days late…maybe it’s February.  But make sure you are prepared and in the right mindset to begin.  You'll feel like you’ve got more willpower, and your resolutions will be more likely to stick.

With that being said, don’t wait too long.  This is your health we’re talking about. And why not let Dr. Comfort be part of your plan for 2023?  Undertaking any sort of exercise or activity program requires just the right footwear.  Comfortable, supportive and cushioned are what you’re looking for.  Think the Grace, Refresh, Meghan or Spirit for women and the Gordon, Performance, Jack or Endurance for men.

You can do this! We can help!

The contents of this blog were independently prepared and are for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily indicative of the views of any other party. Individual results may vary depending on a variety of patient-specific attributes and related factors.