Protect Your Feet

The winter boots are back in the closet, and the sandals are out ready for wear: Summer is here!

During summer, people tend to head outdoors and sometimes bare their feet, but summer does bring some challenges to our feet. Foot health is essential year-round, especially if you expose your feet during the warm weather. Do you know how to protect your feet during summer?

Whether you’re heading to work or outdoor activity, it’s important to understand any foot issues you may encounter this summer and foot safety tips to help keep your feet healthy.

How to Protect Your Feet During Summer

Avoid Walking Barefoot

Because the weather is warm, your feet may be warm too. But that doesn’t mean to ditch the shoes, even in your own home. Wearing shoes will help you prevent cuts, bruises or foot infections. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), the risk of wounds and infection is high for those with diabetes. Whether you have diabetes or other foot conditions, avoid going barefoot to protect your feet.

Wear the Right Socks

Keeping your feet clean and dry is the first step to avoiding infection. Socks should be free of significant seams and stitching—and made of moisture-wicking materials. Socks with seams and stitching may rub and cause blisters or other skin infections. Also, dyes that bleed from sock fabric can cause infections in open wounds.

Prep for summer: Shop for socks that may be right for you

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water during the summer will help minimize foot swelling due to the heat. Trying to drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to help prevent swelling. Drinking less water can increase swelling, according to

Use Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen is important to help prevent sun damage to the skin. But it’s easy to forget to apply sunscreen on the feet. If you’re going to wear sandals, take a few extra minutes and protect your skin with UVA/UVB sunscreen. Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen throughout the day, especially if you go into a pool, lake, or ocean.

Don’t Forget to Moisturize 

Feet can dry out more easily during the summer because you may not wear socks all the time. Moisturizing your feet will help prevent dry skin, which is more likely to crack and become infected. Make sure to avoid between your toes because moisturizer trapped between your toes can breed fungus.

Wear the Right Shoes for the Activity

Whether you’re hiking, walking or heading into the water, investing in proper foot attire will help support your foot and prevent injury. It’s especially important to wear a water-safe shoe if you head into the ocean or lake because there are hidden hazards and sharp objects that can be painful and dangerous to the foot.

Clean Feet After Water Activities

Lakes, rivers, oceans, pools and even puddles may contain bacteria that could lead to foot infections. To prevent any harm, rinse your feet with clean, warm water and soap. Make sure to pat dry before putting shoes and socks on.

Wear Supportive Sandals

Sandals are usually a preferred shoe during the summer because they are breathable and simple to put on for that summer-relaxed look. Make sure to invest in a high-quality sandal that delivers plenty of arch support.

Check out some of our sandals to complete your summer wardrobe.

It’s important to trim your toenails regularly and inspect your feet daily for any cuts, blisters, scratches, redness or swelling. Catching a problem early can help prevent more serious foot complications later. And, make sure to speak with your physician about summer protection and shoe safety.

For more foot safety tips, check out 14 Foot Health Tips to help keep your feet healthy and safe.

The contents of this blog were independently prepared, and are for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily indicative of the views of any other party. Individual results may vary depending on a variety of patient-specific attributes and related factors.