
Your feet carry you throughout the day, so why do many people forgo foot health? In fact, 77% of Americans have foot issues, and only 1/3 actually do something about it, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA). It’s important to keep in mind that foot health care is an essential component of your overall health plan.

Foot-related problems are common and can be costly, whether you have diabetes or neuropathy or not. A tiny cut or blister can develop into a foot infection and cause significant health problems.

So, it's important to get a comprehensive foot exam and evaluation at least once a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). You may need to see a podiatrist several times throughout the year depending on your foot health condition and specific risk factors. That being said, you want to make sure you get the most out of your doctor’s visit.

It’s important to be prepared when you visit your doctor. Create a list of symptoms, medications, questions, and concerns so you can maximize your time when visiting your doctor. To help you prepare, here are a few questions for you to ask at your next podiatrist visit.

What are some at-home care tips I can do to prevent foot complications?

Your doctor may suggest a few at-home foot health tips to help you prevent foot complications. He or she may recommend you do daily foot exams, wash your feet, wear specific shoes or socks, or even change lifestyle habits. Develop a program with your doctor that's specific to your risk factors.

Read More 14 Foot Health Tips

Can temperature monitoring protect my feet?

Studies suggest that temperature monitoring can help prevent foot complications in individuals at high risk for lower-extremity ulceration and amputation. You and your doctor can discuss what tools you may need to monitor your temperature at home.

What should I do if I notice foot conditions worsening?

Your doctor can discuss warning signs of foot conditions worsening and what you’re at risk for. If you notice a problem with your feet, you should contact your physician. A blister can turn into a major complication. So, it’s valuable to come up with a plan with your doctor to prevent serious foot complications.

How often should I come in?

Depending on your foot exam, medical history, and lifestyle your doctor may recommend that you come in more than once a year.

Is there specific footwear I should wear?

Wearing comfortable footwear designed for those with foot complications is ideal to help reduce discomfort and help prevent foot issues. Speak to your doctor about the Dr. Comfort® shoe styles, socks and compression options that will help deliver the support you need.

Remember, it’s important to speak with your doctor about your symptoms, conditions and plan to help prevent foot-related complications.

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The contents of this blog were independently prepared, and are for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily indicative of the views of any other party. Individual results may vary depending on a variety of patient-specific attributes and related factors.