Shoe Care Instructions
With proper maintenance and care, you can help your Dr. Comfort® shoes and orthotics last longer. From full-grain leather and Lycra® shoes to heat molded and custom insoles, here’s everything you need to know to polish, break-in, condition, and care for your Dr. Comfort products.

Break-In Period for Shoes with Heat Molded or Custom Inserts
(MEDICARE Covered Inserts)
In order to ensure that your shoes become a functioning extension of your pedorthic medical care, please follow these instructions:
- When you arrive home, place your new shoes (with the inserts in them) on your feet (with socks) and wear them for 30 to 60 minutes – only on carpeting at first.
- Remove your shoes and socks to look for any areas of redness on your foot (ask a family member for assistance, if necessary).
- Once you have verified that the shoes do not rub your skin (absence of redness), wear your shoes around your home for a day or two; check again for areas of redness.
- Once you (or your family member) have verified that you are not having problems with these new shoes, you are ready to wear them outside the home.
- Remember, even after this break-in period, you should always check your shoes and feet each day – looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Leather Shoe Care & Cleaning
- Clean your shoes regularly – this will give life back to the leather!
- If your shoes are dirty, we suggest that you first clean them with a damp cloth to get them ready
- for an application of shoe crème. Use a cleaning and conditioning crème for the leather shoes. This crème will keep the leather clean and supple. Leather crèmes can be found at any drug, shoe or grocery store.
- Simply apply the crème with a clean dry cloth and work it into the leather. Buff or brush out to provide a fresh finish. If needed, a colored shoe crème may also be used.

Nubuck Shoe Care & Cleaning
- This material can be cleaned by the using a small suede brush to work away the dirt.
- Also, there are sprays designed to refurbish suede or nubuck materials (the Kiwi-brand works great). Try the spray in a small area first to test for any discoloration.
- Do not immerse the nubuck shoes in water. Shoe polish should not be used.

Lycra® Shoe Care & Cleaning
- Never put this shoe in the washing machine.
- We suggest using any fabric protector on this material to help retard the dirt.
- Spray the shoes with a fabric protector before wearing them regularly.
- If the shoes do get soiled, use a small amount of mild soap and water - or a small amount of Woolite and water – to remove the dirt (especially on the beige).
- Try a baby wipe! (Works great if the shoe has first been sprayed with a fabric protector.)