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CSS Utilities

These utilities are desinged to compliment existing styles currently available in the DJO e-commerce Magento theme. They are not a complete framework. They are intended to reduce the amount of inline styles when building new pages.

Class Names

.attribute-breakpoint-location-amount Note: Not every classname includes every element.

Breakpoints: Breakpoints match the grid system (xs, sm, md, lg) The -xs- breakpoint will not always apply since some attributes are set mobile first.

  • xs = < 640px min-width
  • sm = 640px min-width
  • md = 768px min-width
  • lg = 1024px min-width

Amounts: Applicable class names will have an amount (0-3). "0" will remove the attribute. 1-3 will increase the attribute, exponentially, in ascending order.


  • .padding-left-1
  • .float-xl-right
  • .margin-0
  • .float-left
  • .rounded-top


Colors can be applied to three elements: Text, Background, and Border. Setting the border color does not set the border itself.

Brand Colors

Color name .text-color- .background-color- .border-color-
-primary Lorem ipsum
-primary-light Lorem ipsum
-secondary Lorem ipsum
-secondary-light Lorem ipsum
-black Lorem ipsum
-gray Lorem ipsum
-gray-light Lorem ipsum
-white Lorem ipsum

Magento Colors

Color name .text-color- .background-color- .border-color-
-success Lorem ipsum
-success-light Lorem ipsum
-info Lorem ipsum
-info-light Lorem ipsum
-error Lorem ipsum
-error-light Lorem ipsum
Example: A div with a light primary background and primary text color.      
<div class="background-color-primary-light">
  <p class="text-color-primary">Lorem Ipsum</p>

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Padding & Margins

Padding and Margin can be changed by breakpoint. The attribute is set mobile first. The base attribute, without a breakpoint, sets mobile and above unless another breakpoint is specified. There is no "-xs" modifier since it is handled by the base float.

Padding and margins can be removed (-0) or applied to any or all sides in three levels of predetermined amounts (0-3).


Example: A div with the largest padding set on the left side.

<div class="padding-left-3">Lorem Ipsum</div>

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Type, Lists & Alignment

Inline type elements are set by thier attribute name. Text-weight, letter-spacing and line-height have three levels of predetermined amounts (1-3).


Font Families

Three font families are available.


Font Size

Font size can be scaled up and down by preset amounts.

.font-size-medium  // p size
.font-size-large   // h3 size
.font-size-xlarge  // h2 size
.font-size-xxlarge // h1 Size

Header Overrides

To keep semantic markup header styles can be overridden. For example an <h5> tag can be made to look like and <h2> by adding an h2 class.

Example: Override an h5 tag with h3 style
<h5 class="h3">This will look like an h3.<h5>


Lists can be reset to remove padding and bullets.

The .list-inline class set on the <ul> tag will set all child <li>s to display: inline.


Example: Strip padding and bullets from a list

<ul class="list-reset"> 
   <li>List Item 1</li> 
   <li>List Item 2</li> 
   <li>List Item 3</li> 

Text Alignment

Text alignment has breakpoints. The alignment is set mobile first. The base aligment, without a breakpoint, sets mobile and above unless another breakpoint is specified. There is no "-xs" modifier since it is handled by the base alignment.


Example: Centered text on phones, left aligned starting at vetical tablets (-sm).

<h3 class="text-center text-sm-left">Lorem Ipsum</h3>

Vertical Alignment

Vertical alignment can be set on elements that accept it.


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Borders & Rounding

Borders of increasing weights (1-3) can be added to all sides or removed (0). Thier color is set seperately with .border-color-.


Example: div with the lightest right border weight using the primary site color.

<div class="border-right-1 border-color-primary">Lorem Ipsum</div>


Elements can be rounded on each corner by a set amount. An element can be made into a circle if its height and width are equal.



Display can be changed by breakpoint. The display is set mobile first. The base display, without a breakpoint, sets mobile and above unless another breakpoint is specified. There is no "-xs" modifier since it is handled by the base display.


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Box Shadows

Box shadows have three levels of increasing height.


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Floats & Overflow

Floats can be changed by breakpoint. The float is set mobile first. The base float, without a breakpoint, sets mobile and above unless another breakpoint is specified. There is no "-xs" modifier since it is handled by the base float. Use the .display tag to set floats to display: block.


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Position, Block Centering & Z-index

Position has breakpoints and can be set to absolute, relative, or fixed. The position is set mobile first. The base position, without a breakpoint, sets mobile and above unless another breakpoint is specified. There is no "-xs" modifier since it is handled by the base position.





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