Medicare Resources

From Medicare reimbursement rates and 30 DMEPOS Supplier Standards to documentation checklist and “Dear Physician” letters, download the Medicare resources you need right here.

Check 7 - Medicare Guide

Dr. Comfort's "Check 7" Guide includes instructions and forms you can use to navigate the process and manage documentation. Be prepared for audits with "Check 7".

PDAC Letters

These letters from PDAC (formerly SADMERC) verify our products are approved by Medicare. There are individual letters for each shoe style and for our diabetic inserts.

Medicare Reimbursement Schedule

This download shows Medicare reimbursement rates for diabetic footwear codes, along with examples

CIGNA "Dear Physician" Documentation Letter

A letter from CIGNA that Suppliers can send to Primary Care Physicians (PCP's) with the Statement of Certifying Physician that explains the PCP's documentation responsibilities. Updated 4/5/23.

DMEPOS Quality Standards

This 19-page document outlines CMS’s business and product service requirements for suppliers.

Delivery Receipt and Authorization for Payment

This is a sample of the Delivery Receipt and Authorization form required for Medicare reimbursed diabetic footwear.

Beneficiary Complaint Log

Medicare requires Suppliers keep a Beneficiary Complaint Log for any patient complaints regarding their diabetic footwear.

30 DMEPOS Supplier Standards

Medicare requires all patients receiving Medicare reimbursed DME, including diabetic footwear, receive a copy of the 30 DMEPOS Supplier Standards.

NHIC "Dear Physician" Documentation Letter

A letter from NHIC that Suppliers can send to Primary Care Physicians (PCP's) with the Statement of Certifying Physician that explains the PCP's documentation responsibilities. Updated 3/10.

Medicare Documentation Checklist

This Documentation Checklist from CGS outlines the documentation processes and explains the details of recent Medicare changes in documentation requirements.

CIGNA "Dear Physician" CMN Letter

Use this letter from CIGNA to help explain to PCP's their "legal responsibility" to reply to requests for CMN's and other documentation requests.

AdvaMed Code of Ethics

Dr. Comfort adheres to the AdvaMed Code of Ethics.

Medicare Podiatry Services Fact Sheet

Information for Medicare Fee-For-Service Health Care Professionals

Dear Doctor Brochure

Our "Dear Doctor" brochure is designed to help you obtain the Primary Care Physician's notes. Give this brochure to your patient, instruct them to have their PCP complete the forms and provide the proper documents.